
Joomla plugin for maxiGos

Plugin version: v2.01, with maxiGos v8.03.


With this plugin, named "maxiGos sgf player content plugin", you can display game of go sgf file content using maxiGos sgf player in a joomla article.

Usage (code to add in your articles):

{gos xxx.sgf} -> displays xxx.sgf content with maxiGos default configuration (value of "maxigos config" parameter or "basic" if this parameter is empty).
{gos xxx.sgf,yyy} -> displays xxx.sgf content using maxiGos with the yyy configuration.

If maxigosSgfAsIs parameter value is 1, one can replace the sgf filename by a sgf record:
{gos zzz} -> display zzz sgf record with maxiGos default configuration
{gos zzz,yyy} -> displays zzz sgf record using maxiGos with the yyy configuration.

Note: a sgf record is the content of a sgf file (for instance a string such as "(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SZ[19]PW[A]PB[B]WR[6d]BR[6d];B[qd];W[dp])")

If the value of the "maxiGos theme" parameter is the default one (i.e. "neo-classic" for the current version of the plugin), possible configuration values are: "basic", "comment", "diagram", "game", "problem", "tree". Otherwise, it can be the name of any configuration available for the theme specified by the "maxigos theme" parameter.

Example (code to add in your articles):

{gos xxx.sgf,comment} -> displays xxx.sgf content in a player with comment
{gos xxx.sgf,diagram} -> displays xxx.sgf content as a static figure or diagram
{gos (;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SZ[19];B[cp];)} -> displays sgf record with maxiGos default configuration (if maxigosSgfAsIs parameter value is 1)
{gos (;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SZ[19]EV[Test];B[cp];),game} -> displays sgf record in a player with header (if maxigosSgfAsIs parameter value is 1)


The procedure below was tested using joomla v3.10.4.